Tips to Creating a Wildly Successful Blog Post

Tips to Creating a Wildly Successful Blog Post

Ideas for creating blog content

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Do you have a blog for your business?

Need more ideas for creating consistent blog content?

Regularly writing a blog requires consistency, dedication and …. ideas! Here are seven tips to write a blog post that people will actually read.

Use your own unique voice

There is so much content available to us, and you want to let your readers know why they want to read your content. By writing in your own voice and adding your personal spin on a subject, it makes it much more interesting for your readers and can make you more relatable too.

If your blog content sounds like everyone else’s, it will be hard for people to connect with you. But, if you can stand out to people in some way, they are more likely to come back for more.

Write about what interests you

Do you actually enjoy what you are blogging about? If you don’t enjoy what you are writing about, chances are other people won’t enjoy it either.

If you are struggling to put your interests down on paper, but you excel at creating videos, consider creating videos and sending to Fiverr or Rev to have them transcribed. Then you can format the transcription into a blog post and embed your video within your blog post. Now your readers have the option to read or watch your content.

Know who you’re writing for

Keeping your ideal customer in mind, or who specifically you are trying to help with your blog, think about what they want to read about.

Is your blog:

Helping them in some way? Providing them with valuable tips? Entertaining them? Written in a way that they will understand? When you are writing, always keep your audience in mind so you can tailor your content to them.

Make it easy to read.

Download a free PDF with 52 blog post ideas



Leslie McDermid

Leslie McDermid

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